ASIA AND EUROPE FROM THE VERSAILLES TREATY TO THE PRESENT: The Legacies of Past War-Endings and Peace-making between Constraints and Forward Looking
Paris, France
JIIA and FRS co-hosted a symposium titled "ASIA AND EUROPE FROM THE VERSAILLES TREATY TO THE PRESENT: The Legacies of Past War-Endings and Peace-making between Constraints and Forward Looking" on January 28th, 2019.
9:00 - Registration and welcoming coffee
9:15-9:30 - Introduction:Xavier Pasco, Director, FRS
9:30 am-11:00 am - Roundtable 1: The experience of Peace-making in Europe and Asia: The Question of Security Frameworks and the Legacies of Post-First and Second World Wars in Europe and in Asia
Moderator: Pierre Grosser, Science Po. Paris
The emergence of a liberal order and the limits of the Versailles Treaty in Europe and in Asia
Speaker: Naoko Shimazu, National University of Singapore
Hiroshi Nakanishi, Kyoto University
Discussant: Kerry Brown, Lau Institute, King's College
The Legacies of the Post Second World War and the Future of Strategic Stability in Asia and in the World
Speaker: Yuichi Hosoya, Keio University
Discussant: Frédéric GRARE, CAPS
11:00-12:30 - Roundtable 2: Overcoming the Heritage of History: Answering New Regional and Global Challenges and J*apan's Constitutional Dilemma
Moderator: Hiroyuki Akita, Nikkei
Debating the Japanese Constitution: The Constraints of History and Politics in a Changing strategic landscape
Speaker: Masayuki Tadokoro, Keio University
Discussant: Céline Pajon, IFRI
Adapting to New Strategic Challenges and Global Responsibilities
Speaker: Michito Tsuruoka, Keio University
Discussant: Valérie Niquet, FRS
12:30 -12:45: Conclusion: Yasunori Nakayama, Director General(Acting), JIIA
13:00 - Lunch for speakers