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The San Francisco Peace Settlement and East Asia: Contemporary Perspectives

Kyoto, Japan


The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) co-hosted a symposium with the International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken) titled "The San Francisco Peace Settlement and East Asia: Contemporary Perspectives" on January 14, 2023. In March 2022, JIIA published a collection of essays in a volume titled The San Francisco Peace Settlement and East Asia (University of Tokyo Press). Building on the publication of The San Francisco Peace Settlement and East Asia, the symposium sought to reassess the historical significance of the San Francisco Peace Settlement.

Moderator: Yuichi Hosoya (Professor, Keio University/JIIA Senior Adjunct Fellow)
Speakers: Sumio Hatano (Director-General of the Japan Center for Asian Historical Records)
Shin Kawashima (Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo)
Ayako Kusunoki (Professor, International Research Center for Japanese Studies)
Commentator: Masahiko Nishimura (Institutional Researcher, International Research Center for Japanese Studies)

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