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Policy essays by JIIA Visiting Fellows and other experts on geo-strategic and historical issues.

Title Author Published
Halford J.Mackinder's 1904 Geographical Pivot:Context and Evidence to 21st Century's 'Indo-Pacific Strategic Heartland' Application
Blue Economies of the Indian Ocean Region: Japan's Role in Transition to Sustainable Development and Growth
India-China Unsettled Boundary & Territorial Dispute: Institutionalized Border Mechanisms since 39 Years, Sans Resolution
Mining and R&D of Rare Earth Elements : Prospects, Challenges, and Avenues for Indo-Japan Partnership
Australia-China clashes in the COVID-19 era: Adjusting to a "new normal" in bilateralrelations?
Arbitration as a Means to Settle Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea: Case Study and History of China and The Philippines
China, Africa and the WHO : a challenge for post covid19 multilateralism
Japan and the Indian Ocean Region:Engagement for Capacity-Building, Regional Security, and Ports Development
Institutionalizing Defense Cooperation Agreements: A Contextual Study of India & Japan's First 2+2 Foreign & Defense Ministerial Meet
George Bogle's1774 Mission to Tibet: Establishing English Trade and Reach beyond Northern Borders of Bengal

The views expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of The Japan Institute of International Affairs or any other organization with which the author is affiliated.

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