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〔Korean Edition〕 Press Release: Aeronautical charts made by the US Government in 1953 and 1954: Takeshima as Japanese territory (다케시마를 일본 영토라고 기재한 1953년, 1954년의 미국 정부 제작 항공도에 관하여)
〔Korean Language Edition〕"The current state of South Korea's education about Takeshima; some issues with how Takeshima is taught."【「한국 다케시마(竹島) 교육의 현황과 그 문제점」】
〔Korean Language Edition〕"The things middle school students in Japan and South Korea should think about concerning Takeshima/Dokdo."【「한일 중학생이 다케시마(독도) 문제에서 생각해 봐야 할 것들」】
Shioki Fuyō Zokkoku and Sovereignty ーStatus of the Ryukyu Kingdom under "International Law" in Early-Modern and Modern Timesー
The Treaty of Peace with Japan and Takeshima (Revisited) *5
U.S. Department of State Documents regarding the Dispute over Territorial Sovereignty over Takeshima (Addendum) = Documents = *5
Senkaku Islands were nothing more than "navigation markers" in premodern China *5
Survey of Yaeyama by Antei Tashiro and Survey of Senkaku Islands by Okinawa Prefecture in 1885 *5
The Name "Sea of Japan" Is the Only Internationally Established Name (English)
The Name "Sea of Japan" Is the Only Internationally Established Name (Korean)

*1:Rule of Law Series (March 2015) "These articles were translated by JIIA from Japanese into English as part of a research project sponsored by the Government of Japan to promote academic studies on the rule of law. JIIA takes full responsibility for the translation of these articles. To obtain permission to use these articles beyond the scope of your personal use and research, please contact JIIA by e-mail (jdl_inquiry@jiia.or.jp).
Citation: Rule of Law Series, Japan Digital Library (March 2015), http://www2.jiia.or.jp/en/digital_library/rule_of_law.php"

*2:Japan's Territories Series (March 2017) "These articles were translated by Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting (MURC) from Japanese into English as part of a research project sponsored by the Government of Japan to promote academic studies on Japan's territories. MURC takes full responsibility for the translation of these articles. To obtain permission to use these articles beyond the scope of your personal use and research, please contact MURC by e-mail (info@murc.jp).
Citation: Japan's Territories Series, Japan Digital Library (March 2017), http://www2.jiia.or.jp/en/digital_library/japan_s_territories.php"

*3:Japan's Territories Series (March 2016) "These articles were translated by JIIA from Japanese into English as part of a research project to promote academic studies on Japan's diplomacy. JIIA takes full responsibility for the translation of this article. To obtain permission to use this article beyond the scope of your personal use and research, please contact JIIA by e-mail(jdl_inquiry@jiia.or.jp).
Citation: Japan's Diplomacy Series, Japan Digital Library (March 2016), http://www2.jiia.or.jp/en/digital_library/japan_s_diplomacy.php"

*4:Japan and the World Series (March 2017) "These articles were translated by JIIA from Japanese into English as to promote Japanese scholarly works on international relations. JIIA takes full responsibility for the translation of these articles. To obtain permission to use these articles beyond the scope of your personal use and research, please contact JIIA by e-mail (jdl_inquiry@jiia.or.jp).
Citation: Japan and the World, Japan Digital Library (March 2017), http://www2.jiia.or.jp/en/digital_library/world.php"

*5:Japan's Territories Series (March 2018)"These articles were translated by Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting (MURC) from Japanese into English as part of a research project sponsored by the Government of Japan to promote academic studies on Japan's territories. MURC takes full responsibility for the translation of these articles. To obtain permission to use these articles beyond the scope of your personal use and research, please contact MURC by e-mail (info@murc.jp).
Citation: Japan's Territories Series, Japan Digital Library (March 2018), http://www2.jiia.or.jp/en/digital_library/japan_s_territories.php"

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