Event ReportDate: Saturday, January 14, 2023,
16:00-19:00 Japan time
Place: TKP Garden City Kyoto Tower Hotel (9th Floor, Hakkaku hall). The proceedings will be streamed on Zoom.
Languages: Japanese, with simultaneous interpretation into English
Event ReportDate: Tuesday, 13 September 2022Time: 14:00-15:00 (JST)Speaker: Masao Shimojo, Professoremeritus at Takusyoku UniversityLanguage: Japanese/EnglishPlatform: Summary and Video
Event ReportJIIA hosted a webinar “The Second Sino-Japanese War Reassessed” on Friday, December 17, 10:00-12:30 (Tokyo time)
※Event Report & Video Coming Click here.
Event ReportWebinar: The Essence of the Takeshima Island Issue and Flaws with the Korean Arguments About Takeshima
Date and time: November 2, 2021, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Tokyo time
Summary & Video
Event ReportJIIA hosted a webinar “Considering the 21st century from the Perspective of 20th Century East Asian History”, based on the book 20th Century East Asia: A New History (University of Tokyo Press, 2020), on 18 July 2021.
46th Annual Conference on Oceans Law & Policy in Istanbul
The San Francisco Peace Settlement and East Asia: Contemporary Perspectives
Scarborough Shoal, a textbook case of Chinese manipulation in the South Sea
JIIA Webinar : The Second Sino-Japanese War Reassessed
The Japan Review is published in English two times a year, offering a broad range of expertise on foreign policy issues. With the Japan Review, our objective is to outline key areas related to the context and challenges Japan faces on a range of historical, geo-strategic and international legal issues. The Japan Review will look at these issues from a global analytical perspective. It will also offer analysis of Japan’s evolving foreign policy as it adapts to changing international situation. Japan Review welcomes contributions by both Japanese and foreign experts working on these topics.
JapanReview_Vol.7_No.2_2024Resource Library is a part of our multi-faceted effort to make available in English researches and arguments, originally presented and only available in Japanese, on issues of relevance to Japan's international relations. It is hoped that rectifying this deficiency of information in English would lead to a more balanced and constructive discourse outside Japan on these issues.
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