〔Recent Event〕"The San Francisco Peace Settlement and East Asia: Contemporary Perspectives" |
Policy Brief: Blending Japan's Robust Economics with Foreign Policy Pro-activism in the 1960s: The Hayato Ikeda Years |
Policy Brief: History of Japan in the Indian Ocean Region |
〔Resource Library〕"The Name of the Sea of Japan and Flaws with the Korean Arguments" Q&A |
〔Resource Library〕Senkaku:Historical Structure of China's Anti-Japaneseness |
〔Resource Library〕Territorial Rights over the Senkaku Islands:The Starting Point and the Historical Process |
〔Resource Library〕A Territorial Dispute over Takeshima: Points at Issue |
Policy Brief: Role of the Monarchy in Expanding Japan's Diplomatic Reach:Tracing Emperor Akihito's visits to India in 1960 and 2013 |
〔Recent Event〕JIIA Webinar 「The Name of the Sea of Japan and Flaws with the Korean Arguments」 |
Policy Brief: History in China: A tool at the service of the Party narrative |