Article 2 of the Treaty of San Francisco and Takeshima With a Focus on the Negotiation Process in 1951 |
Policy Brief: Territorial and Historical Challenges to Ladakh: Evaluating a 1963 Declassified Document for Its Contemporary Relevance |
The Understanding of the United States Government Regarding the Geography of Takeshima Immediately After the San Francisco Peace Treaty Came into Effect -Drawing on US Government-Issued Aeronautical Charts Published in 1953 and 1954- |
Postscript: On U.S. Government Aeronautical Charts Published in 1953 and 1954 Indicating that Takeshima Is a Japanese Territory--Rebuttal to the October 23, 2020 Reporting by South Korea's Yonhap News Agency |
〔Resource Library〕Territory: China as "Empire": Perceptions of the Tributary System and the Boundaries of China in the Twentieth Century |
〔Resource Library〕Territory: Some Reflections on Territorial Title in Contemporary International Law |
Event Report「JIIA Webinar : The Second Sino-Japanese War Reassessed」 |
〔Events〕The Essence of the Takeshima Island Issue and Flaws with the Korean Arguments About Takeshima |
Policy Brief: The limits of repentance: lessons from France for a comparative approach with the Japan-Korea history debate |
〔 Events〕League of Nations and Washington System Centennial Webinar |