〔Resource Library〕History: Wuhan military logistics base |
〔Resource Library〕History: The last word:Interviews with a former civil servant at the Government-General of Korea |
The Senkaku Islands Were No Man's Land |
〔Resource Library〕Territory: Shioki Fuyō Zokkoku and Sovereignty ーStatus of the Ryukyu Kingdom under "International Law" in Early-Modern and Modern Timesー |
"Stories about Takeshima I heard from my grandfather Matsutaro Ishibashi," with commentary by Jun Sasaki, who lives in Okinoshima in Shimane prefecture. |
〔Korean Edition〕 Press Release: Aeronautical charts made by the US Government in 1953 and 1954: Takeshima as Japanese territory (다케시마를 일본 영토라고 기재한 1953년, 1954년의 미국 정부 제작 항공도에 관하여) |
Policy Brief: Answering Beijing's Growing Assertiveness beyond the Senkakus: Balancing Japan-China Relations |
New Paper: Jeong Chung-hae, Memoirs of Korean conscripted worker in wartime Japan |
Japan Review Vol.4 No.1 Summer 2020 |
Policy Brief: Elevating the Australia-Japan Strategic Partnership to "a new level": challenges and responses |